Happy Birthday Song (With Lámh Signs)

sing & sign with lámh Jun 01, 2022

I have recorded 3 new songs for you!

This week, I had fun recording three songs with Lámh signs in our studio.
More than likely, you often sing these songs at home and in the classroom. 

We are going to do one song a week for the next three weeks (Coinciding with the last three weeks of the school term)

The songs are:

Happy birthday.
Clean Up.
Time To Go Home.

The first song we are going to present is Happy birthday.

I sing (as best I can) and sign for you in the video, and after the song, there is a tutorial teaching you the signs you need.

Feel free to recommend this resource to friends and colleagues who might need it.

So watch the video above and have fun singing and signing along!

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