Lámh Sign For COAT

sign of the week Nov 18, 2020

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

As we move into the end of November and the weather is getting colder, I am going to teach you a sign that you will undoubtedly need from now on: COAT.
Remember that when you introduce a new sign, you should use the new sign with the child as much as possible. So, next week, when you introduce the sign for COAT, make sure you plan other activities to reinforce this new word/sign throughout the day.

Some ideas are:

Colour a picture of a coat when doing colouring activities.
Play dressing dolls and teddies and use lots of little coats.
Read the book “Buster keeps warm” by Rod Campbell.
Or sing-and-sign along with me to the song You Won’t Be Cold Anymore!

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